Upon coming up with my two moving elements I turned to my theory for inspiration. It is about incorporating the organic with the urban, nature with the built environment, and letting the outdoors in. For this reason I created two moving elements that when opened, blurred the boundaries between the nature and structure.

The first element is a retractable glass ceiling, that houses beneath it a plant garden. By opening or closing the glass, the environment of the plants can be adjusted and controlled. When it rains, the glass can retract and the plants are able to be watered. When it is sunny, the plants are able to get UV rays. Alternatively,  when the wind is too strong the glass can be closed and the plants protected. 

Glass Ceiling Closed

Glass Ceiling Retracted

Glass Ceiling Retracted

The second element(s) is two gas strut style windows that turn the student study area into a multi-functional indoor and outdoor open-plan zone. When weather permits, one can utilise the outdoor space to enhance and open the indoor space, acting as a flow-on continuation. In this zone, students can work in groups or individually, at tables, or on benches, indoors or out. The windows expand the space, whilst simultaneously keeping the indoor area well lit, if weather doesn't permit them to be open.

Northen Gas Strut Window Open

Western Gas Strut Window Open 
Northern Gas Strut Window Closed


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